
Why content creation is BS

Why content creation is BS

You want to talk about your hobbies on the internet, become bat-shit famous and hang out with the Kardashians while sipping coconut water. Well, think twice.

I want to show you that while creating content isn’t inherently bad, it can drive you insane if you don’t know what you’re doing. And maybe you are already insane, because you haven’t seen a single victory coming your way. Like yes, you’ve got followers, likes. And now what? You’re going to invite them all followers to dinner?

Content creation is BS and here’s why:

“Creating” distracts you from what’s truly important.

…what’s truly important? …a life changing product or service! And yes, you can create content for others, and that would be your service (if you truly love content creation). But content creation for the sake of content creation is just a path that will drive you insane. Unless you’re actually passionate about posting videos over videos over useless videos.

And trust me, if you think you’ll never get tired of “posting online”, wait until you get a comment that says: “oh, you forgot to *insert x thing that’s completely useless* in the video”. And that’s when you’ll realize you might as well do what you actually want to do. You don’t have to create content to promote your products or services. Technically you could just use word of mouth and personally reach out to people who may be interested in what you do.

“Bbbbut it’s so much easier…. to just post v-v-v-vvideos….. this way people will k-k-k-know I exist….”

…yes, but what kind of people will know you exist? No-attention-span 15 year olds? You know, thinking about it, the best people on earth don’t even use the internet. I wouldn’t use the internet… if I could. Think about it, who trades good health, sleep and their mental wellbeing for an app that shows you videos?

I’m truly convinced that in order to find like-minded people and people who will be your ideal customer you have to get off the internet. Or at least get off of Youtube and any other BS site. Now, does this mean give up on content creation altogether? No. But do it wisely. Attract the right audience. Repel everyone who’s not your target.

About the author:

My name is Rosaria Fulco. I do frame-by-frame animation, write surrealistic short stories to teach you a language; plus, I love copywriting and video-editing. I have a background in advertising graphics and a bachelors in political sciences and international relations. Italian is my mother tongue but I speak native-level English and fluent Russian. On this site I will share my knowledge about language learning, writing and personal development.

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